What is Bringing Meaning Into Monday™
Bringing Meaning into Monday™ will simultaneously improve employee well-being, leadership effectiveness, and the health and quality of the work culture by aligning people, processes and priorities toward a common goal of delivering value to others.
WHY NOW: All communities require economic growth, jobs, and civic investment. To achieve this, Bringing Meaning into Monday™ is directed at improving the performance and vitality of existing organizations. In today's world, sustainable success is not a result of inbreeding, organizations require people skilled at reconciling differences, dealing with variation and finding creative solutions buried amongst diverse, even opposing viewpoints.
WHY WORK: The positive energy generated at work will permeate society, making families and communities stronger. The more meaning and purpose people extract from their jobs the more the social atmosphere and the quality of relationships will improve, in and outside of work. Creativity, productivity and cooperation will improve, so will energy levels, motivation and commitment.
WHY ME: The effects of conflicting agendas, lack of focus, and challenging work relationships leave many people emotionally drained and virtually untapped socially and spiritually. Bringing Meaning into Monday™ equips individuals and leaders with a voice, process and support. In addition to improving the health, energy and effectiveness of the workplace, the process will simultaneously improve the performance of the workplace – which is required in order to secure the attention of today’s organizations.