Greater Resiliency

Stress, a precursor to chronic conditions, such as hypertension, obesity and depression, accounts for 60-90% of doctor visits. In addition to impacting health care costs, workplace stress – or the inability to manage it – will simultaneously affect productivity, creativity and absenteeism, all bottom-line challenges facing many of today’s employers.

Work is increasingly more complex and demanding; therefore, in order to produce value and remain employable, people must be resilient, capable of coping with the everyday stresses of work.

Change or variation is pervasive in today’s world. And it will yield conflict and opposition, it must. People, therefore, must develop the skills or personal resiliency to better deal with change and/or conflict. When managed constructively, diverse viewpoints make individuals wiser and make organizations stronger. Most people don’t necessarily seek disruption, yet certain people are more comfortable dealing with it. They have developed the personal resiliency or self-awareness necessary to deal effectively and productively with change and fluctuation.

Historically, people have reconciled differences by gaining collaborative agreement to a common goal, a shared-purpose.  Organizations, therefore, will create a more fluid and resilient work environment by aligning the workforce around the strategies of the organization, streamlining work practices, and better aligning services and resources around the needs of targeted customers. In addition, individuals need to continually increase their self-awareness and/or redefine who they are in the context of the value they create and deliver. They must be willing to consider new insights and divergent perspectives, and discard historic practices or beliefs that are no longer relevant or appropriate.